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Event Details

    Lunch & Learn - Framing Your 1st Impression: Onboarding and Retention

    Date: November 27, 2018, 11:30am – 1:00pm
    SHRM Berks Chapter
    Wyomissing Restaurant & Bakery
    1245 Penn Ave, Wyomissing
    $18 members / $50 for all 3 sessions. $25 guests per session
    Event Type:
    Special Events
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    Session 2

    Framing Your 1st Impression:  Onboarding and Retention

    What does your 1st impression say about you?  Does 1st impression have an impact when on-boarding and with retention of staff?

    We will explore the cause and effect of a good 1st impression on on-boarding and retention within your company. 

    Attendees will:

    ·        Gain insights on how small changes can have big, positive impacts on you and your company.

    ·        Recognize their part in decreasing turn over in the company.

    ·        Build a transparent reputation in-house and in the community.

    ·        Respect the value of the memorable first impression.

    Recognize the impact that 1st impression on employees has on the organization

    Speaker:  Pam Gockley, CEO, Reputation Learning Center

    Pam has revolutionized the art of building a revenue-generating business.  She has helped professionals, business owners and their staffs adopt a customer-centric mindset.  Streamlining and refining processes, saving both money and time.  Clients who have implemented the Reputation Strategy attract and retain talent. 


    CLICK HERE to view flyer with details of all sessions