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    Qualified persons may be considered for membership under one of three categories:

    General Member - Individuals actively engaged in the profession of human resource management, who devote at least 50% of their working time to personnel, human resources or industrial relations functions, or who perform as instructional faculty in the human resource field at an accredited college or university. General members may vote and hold office in the Chapter.

    Consultant Member- Individuals owning or employed by organizations whose primary business is providing products or services to members of the human resources profession. (Strict non-solicitation of business rules apply to consultant members). Consultant members may vote and hold office in the Chapter.

    Student Member- Individuals who are students and are members of a student chapter affiliated with the Chapter. May not vote or hold office.

    Other categories may exist if one of these does not fit.  

    CLICK HERE to fill out our membership application

    Membership with the SHRM Berks Chapter provides professional growth and development through: 

    • Educational programs on timely topics & issues affecting Human Resource Management: most qualify for HRCI and SHRM recertification credits.
    • Up-to-date information on legislative developments affecting employees and their workplace.
    • Networking opportunities locally and nationally to provide professional and social interaction with peers in Human Resource Management
    • Study groups for SHRM-CP & SCP certification
    • Partnerships with other professional organizations
    • Expanded relationships within the business community
    • Sponsorship opportunities

    General membership meetings are held on the second Tuesday morning of each month.  Lunch & Learn sessions are held bimonthly on the 4th Tuesday of odd numbered months.  The program format includes a speaker presenting to the membership on current, timely and high priority human resource issues.  Some events are held in person while others are on a virtual format.  Other meetings and programs are planned and occur as announced.

    We offer various committees to help fulfill the mission of the chapter and are run by members of the chapter.  Serving on a committee is an excellent way to help support the chapter, network, and grow professionally.  Recertification credits are available for volunteering.  Committees include but are not limited to:

    For more information about the role and mission statement of each committee, click on the committee name.


    Positions & Job Seekers:  Open HR positions available or resumes of members seeking opportunities are posted on our website

    PAL/Olivets:  A holiday dinner held in December in conjunction with the Police Athletic League and Olivet Boys/Girls Club for the children.

    BCTV:  A bi-monthly program shown on the second Tuesday of odd number months.  Producer and host, Benjamin Lewis frequently recruits SHRM members to participate and discuss relevant, timely and high priority human resource issues.