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    Microsoft Outlook Balance and Productivity Optimization

    Date: June 8, 2021, 7:30am – 9:30am
    SHRM Berks Chapter
    Virtually via Zoom
    $10 members / $15 non-members
    Event Type:
    iCal link
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    This session will be held virtually via Zoom 

    Microsoft Outlook Balance and Productivity Optimization 

    **NOTE: This will be a 90 min. presentation awarding 1.5 recertification credits**

    If you use Microsoft Outlook, then check out our Informer Video for a brief preview of what to expect from Focus to Evolve’s training session.  The first half of the training will focus on metaskills and give the reasons for why we teach the methods we do in Outlook.  The second half of the training is full of methodology and live step-by-step demonstrations of Outlook setting changes and instruction on how to use Outlook at the advanced personal productivity tool it was designed to be.

    Following this presentation, participants will be able to:

    • Clear their email inbox to zero

    • Utilize Outlook tasks to stay on top of everything they need to do every day

    • Turn off email notifications to minimize cognitive switch tax and enter flow state more readily

    Become the architect of their calendars in order to tackle all of their priorities including unfocus time

    Speaker: Tana Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer at Focus To Evolve (click name to view bio)

    Cost to participate in this Zoom session is $10 for members and $15 for guests.  Pre-registration is required by emailing Wendy Button no later than Monday, June 7th

    This presentation has been submitted for 1.5 recertification credits.  Approval is pending